Sunday, December 30, 2012

BREAKING. Dali dining with a despot: Dali Thambo jets to Zimbabwe for a feast with Robert Mugabe in his famine ravaged country.

Now this is a TV dinner in very bad taste: The SABC will show South African viewers how Dali Tambo dines with Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe in utter opulence for People of the South - this while ordinary Zimbabwean citizens still starve and live on less than a dollar a day in in that poverty stricken Southern African nation.

Dali Tambo and a 14 person crew jetted into Zimbabwe as he interviewed and ate with Robert Mugabe during 19 and 21 December.

The opulent episode will be shown on SABC3 early in 2013 in Dali Tambo's interview show People of the South.

The Zimbabwean president is described by critics of conducting a "reign of terror" and being "an extremely poor role model" for the continent of Africa.

Whilst feasting in the country ravaged by famine for a "celebratory dinner", Dali Tambo and his entourage were also given access to State House, the majestic official presidential residence of Robert Mugabe for the episode.

The local talker and profile show was resusitated by the SABC in 2012 for a new run on public television in South Africa, the second season of which will be shown on SABC3 during the first half of 2013.

In the new incantation of People of the South which was made possible with assistance from South Africa's department of communications, Dali Tambo interviews personalities and their family members around family feast tables laden with a massive amount of food which 90% of ordinary Africans, in all likelihood, will never be able to afford nor taste in their lifetimes.

The People of the South episode shot in Zimbabwe will also include Dali Tambo interviewing Robert Mugabe's wife, Grace Mugabe, as well as the Mugabe offspring, Bona Mugabe and Chatunga Mugabe.